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Judy Garland, New York City 1963
June 9th, 2015 4:32 pm     A+ | a-

"She was my size, 5’2”. When we stood and talked, we looked like bookends Milton said. Sinatra and Sammy Davis said she was the greatest talent they had ever come across and they both worshipped her. When she was about to open at “THE PALACE”, she called Milton and said that ticket sales were down and she needed the cover of Life. He of course couldn’t promise that but would try. When was she free to work? At that point she was very self-conscious about her weight. She was to arrive at the studio at 8 p.m., did not get there until 11 p.m. Joe Eula and Milton did her make-up, hair and hid her body in yards of black and red velvet fabric; even used her black calf elbow-length gloves and presto change-o, a winner. It is now 4 a.m."

Excerpted from But That's Another Story, by Amy & Joshua Greene. Published by powerHouse Books.
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